BootBoot (an ASM experiment) [4], Compiz Introduction and Demo [6], Conferences [8], Depth Aware Upsampling Experiments [7], FreeBSD [1], Graphics Drivers Development [21], Graphics for WebKit [6], Hobby Projects, Hacks, Experiments [20], Notes [9], OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux [14], Posts in Greek [6], Posts related to work [42], Stellarium (ESA SOCIS 2011) 🪐 [4], Ubuntu [18], Unity7 Optimisation [4]
BootBoot (an ASM experiment) [4] ↑
- 2021-01-09 [BootBoot]: Quick Update
- 2021-01-05 [BootBoot] Part 3: Wait for keypress
- 2021-01-05 [BootBoot] Part 2: Boot from a floppy drive, load the 2nd sector, jump to it
- 2021-01-05 [BootBoot] Part 1: Boot from a floppy drive and clear the screen
Compiz Introduction and Demo [6] ↑
- 2016-02-23 Compiz Introduction and Demo Extra: HOWTO Build the Ubuntu Desktop (the script way)
- 2015-08-18 Compiz Introduction and Demo Part 5/5: How to write a Compiz Plugin
- 2015-08-16 Compiz Introduction and Demo Part 4/5: Build the Ubuntu Desktop
- 2015-08-16 Compiz Introduction and Demo Part 3/5: Development, Tools and Support
- 2015-08-16 Compiz Introduction and Demo Part 2/5: Plugin demonstration
- 2015-08-16 Compiz Introduction and Demo Part 1/5: The Ubuntu Desktop
Conferences [8] ↑
- 2020-11-22 FOSSCOMM 2020, and a status update on EXT_external_objects(_fd) extensions [en, gr]
- 2020-09-18 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux]: The XDC 2020 presentation
- 2020-09-18 XDC 2020
- 2019-09-15 GUADEC 2019 took place in my city! Also: my helloworld in Rust.
- 2018-10-08 XDC2018
- 2018-08-31 SIGGRAPH2018
- 2017-11-08 Fosscomm 2017 [update: slides in English]
- 2012-07-18 FOSSCOMM 2012, 0x375: 3D effects στο Stellarium (el, gr)
Depth Aware Upsampling Experiments [7] ↑
- 2019-06-30 Depth-aware upsampling experiments (Part 6: A complete approach to upsample the half-resolution render target of a SSAO implementation)
- 2019-06-30 Depth-aware upsampling experiments (Part 5: Sample classification tweaks to improve the SSAO upsampling on surfaces)
- 2019-06-22 Depth-aware upsampling experiments (Part 4: Improving the nearest depth where we detect discontinuities)
- 2019-06-06 Depth-aware upsampling experiments (Part 3.2: Improving the upsampling using normals to classify the samples)
- 2019-06-05 Depth-aware upsampling experiments (Part 3.1: Improving the upsampling using depths to classify the samples)
- 2019-06-05 Depth-aware upsampling experiments (Part 2: Improving the Z-buffer downsampling)
- 2019-05-28 Depth-aware upsampling experiments (Part 1: Nearest depth)
FreeBSD [1] ↑
- 2021-06-07 Building the i965 mesa driver on FreeBSD
Graphics Drivers Development [21] ↑
- 2021-08-13 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 11: Debugging the semaphore synchronization 🍄
- 2021-06-07 Building the i965 mesa driver on FreeBSD
- 2021-04-20 EXT_external_objects and EXT_external_objects_fd for the Intel iris driver have been merged into mesa3D! [updated]
- 2021-04-06 Setting up to debug ANGLE with GDB (on Linux)
- 2021-02-13 About VK_EXT_sample_locations
- 2020-11-14 A hack to instantly display the Vulkan CTS tests output
- 2020-11-09 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 10: Reusing a Vulkan stencil buffer from OpenGL
- 2020-10-31 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 9: Reusing a Vulkan z buffer from OpenGL
- 2020-10-23 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 8: Using a Vulkan vertex buffer from OpenGL and then from Vulkan
- 2020-10-18 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 7: Reusing a Vulkan vertex buffer from OpenGL
- 2020-10-18 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 6: About overwriting buffers [UPDATED]
- 2020-10-18 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 5: A Vulkan pixel buffer is reused from OpenGL
- 2020-10-17 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 4: Using OpenGL to overwrite Vulkan allocated textures.
- 2020-09-20 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 3: Using OpenGL to display Vulkan allocated textures.
- 2020-08-16 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 2: Using OpenGL to draw on Vulkan textures.
- 2020-07-03 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 1: Introduction
- 2019-06-04 Some additions to vkrunner
- 2019-05-06 Vkrunner allows specifying the required Vulkan version
- 2019-02-17 i965: Improved support for the ETC/EAC formats on Intel Gen 7 and previous GPUs
- 2018-03-04 A short OpenGL / SPIRV example.
- 2017-08-03 Debugging graphics code using replacement shaders (Linux, Mesa)
Graphics for WebKit [6] ↑
- 2021-07-06 Debugging WebKit graphics using APItrace
- 2021-07-02 An easy way to debug WebKit's WebProcess with GDB
- 2021-05-06 Sharing texture data between ANGLE and the native system driver using DMA buffers and EGL on Linux (proof of concept)
- 2021-04-13 Using EGL and the dma_buf kernel framework to associate two textures with the contents of the same buffer without copy taking place
- 2021-04-06 Setting up to debug ANGLE with GDB (on Linux)
- 2021-02-03 Build WebKit/WPE on Linux/X11
Hobby Projects, Hacks, Experiments [20] ↑
- 2021-08-16 Shadertoying
- 2021-01-09 [BootBoot]: Quick Update
- 2020-04-21 Save the penguin! (Ludum dare jam 46)
- 2019-05-21 A simple pixel shader viewer
- 2019-03-18 A system to reject phone calls from my laptop
- 2019-01-27 Hair simulation with a mass-spring system (punk's not dead!)
- 2017-05-10 A helloworld kernel module
- 2017-04-17 Morphing test
- 2016-05-08 Don't touch my screen, bro!
- 2016-04-10 Broken car surveillance...
- 2014-05-01 CT scan viewer
- 2013-04-20 Winnie: a framebuffer window system
- 2012-06-18 A virtual keyboard
- 2012-02-29 Serial IR receiver
- 2010-12-16 Augmented reality snakeball game
- 2010-02-21 Path tracer
- 2009-12-24 Hierarchical animation using trigonometric functions.
- 2009-12-24 OCR project
- 2009-12-24 Virtual Anatomy Class
- 2009-12-24 Ray tracer using axis aligned bounding boxes!
Notes [9] ↑
- 2019-07-23 Holy-Days experiments 🌊 🌴 🌞 (Installing TempleOS/Holy-C on VirtualBox)
- 2018-07-22 Claws-mail: a trick to view the patches as side-by-side diffs
- 2018-07-21 Claws-mail + vdirsyncer (sync contacts)
- 2017-11-10 Install/Update LetsEncrypt certificates (no-root, apache2, debian)
- 2017-08-03 Debugging graphics code using replacement shaders (Linux, Mesa)
- 2017-07-28 Creating cube map images from HDR panoramas on GNU/Linux
- 2015-09-12 Share your data files quickly using the python SimpleHTTPServer
- 2013-10-19 Nested Ubuntu Unity with Xephyr
- 2013-05-28 How to create a gbm buffer under X.
OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux [14] ↑
- 2021-08-13 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 11: Debugging the semaphore synchronization 🍄
- 2021-04-20 EXT_external_objects and EXT_external_objects_fd for the Intel iris driver have been merged into mesa3D! [updated]
- 2020-11-22 FOSSCOMM 2020, and a status update on EXT_external_objects(_fd) extensions [en, gr]
- 2020-11-09 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 10: Reusing a Vulkan stencil buffer from OpenGL
- 2020-10-31 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 9: Reusing a Vulkan z buffer from OpenGL
- 2020-10-23 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 8: Using a Vulkan vertex buffer from OpenGL and then from Vulkan
- 2020-10-18 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 7: Reusing a Vulkan vertex buffer from OpenGL
- 2020-10-18 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 6: About overwriting buffers [UPDATED]
- 2020-10-18 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 5: A Vulkan pixel buffer is reused from OpenGL
- 2020-10-17 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 4: Using OpenGL to overwrite Vulkan allocated textures.
- 2020-09-20 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 3: Using OpenGL to display Vulkan allocated textures.
- 2020-09-18 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux]: The XDC 2020 presentation
- 2020-08-16 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 2: Using OpenGL to draw on Vulkan textures.
- 2020-07-03 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 1: Introduction
Posts in Greek [6] ↑
- 2014-12-18 2o Summer School του ΑΠΘ
- 2014-09-28 1o Summer School του ΑΠΘ
- 2014-07-27 SSH tunnel για MySQL connections
- 2012-07-18 FOSSCOMM 2012, 0x375: 3D effects στο Stellarium (el, gr)
- 2009-05-20 Μετατρέποντας τα ελληνικά filenames σε greeklish
- 2008-02-25 Συνδεση με VPN στο Α.Π.Θ. απο Linux
Posts related to work [42] ↑
- 2021-07-06 Debugging WebKit graphics using APItrace
- 2021-07-02 An easy way to debug WebKit's WebProcess with GDB
- 2021-05-06 Sharing texture data between ANGLE and the native system driver using DMA buffers and EGL on Linux (proof of concept)
- 2021-04-20 EXT_external_objects and EXT_external_objects_fd for the Intel iris driver have been merged into mesa3D! [updated]
- 2021-04-13 Using EGL and the dma_buf kernel framework to associate two textures with the contents of the same buffer without copy taking place
- 2021-04-06 Setting up to debug ANGLE with GDB (on Linux)
- 2021-02-13 About VK_EXT_sample_locations
- 2021-02-03 Build WebKit/WPE on Linux/X11
- 2020-11-22 FOSSCOMM 2020, and a status update on EXT_external_objects(_fd) extensions [en, gr]
- 2020-11-14 A hack to instantly display the Vulkan CTS tests output
- 2020-11-09 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 10: Reusing a Vulkan stencil buffer from OpenGL
- 2020-10-31 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 9: Reusing a Vulkan z buffer from OpenGL
- 2020-10-23 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 8: Using a Vulkan vertex buffer from OpenGL and then from Vulkan
- 2020-10-18 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 7: Reusing a Vulkan vertex buffer from OpenGL
- 2020-10-18 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 6: About overwriting buffers [UPDATED]
- 2020-10-18 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 5: A Vulkan pixel buffer is reused from OpenGL
- 2020-10-17 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 4: Using OpenGL to overwrite Vulkan allocated textures.
- 2020-09-20 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 3: Using OpenGL to display Vulkan allocated textures.
- 2020-09-18 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux]: The XDC 2020 presentation
- 2020-09-18 XDC 2020
- 2020-08-16 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 2: Using OpenGL to draw on Vulkan textures.
- 2020-07-03 [OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 1: Introduction
- 2019-09-15 GUADEC 2019 took place in my city! Also: my helloworld in Rust.
- 2019-06-30 Depth-aware upsampling experiments (Part 6: A complete approach to upsample the half-resolution render target of a SSAO implementation)
- 2019-06-30 Depth-aware upsampling experiments (Part 5: Sample classification tweaks to improve the SSAO upsampling on surfaces)
- 2019-06-22 Depth-aware upsampling experiments (Part 4: Improving the nearest depth where we detect discontinuities)
- 2019-06-06 Depth-aware upsampling experiments (Part 3.2: Improving the upsampling using normals to classify the samples)
- 2019-06-05 Depth-aware upsampling experiments (Part 3.1: Improving the upsampling using depths to classify the samples)
- 2019-06-05 Depth-aware upsampling experiments (Part 2: Improving the Z-buffer downsampling)
- 2019-06-04 Some additions to vkrunner
- 2019-05-28 Depth-aware upsampling experiments (Part 1: Nearest depth)
- 2019-05-21 A simple pixel shader viewer
- 2019-05-06 Vkrunner allows specifying the required Vulkan version
- 2019-05-06 Having fun with Vkrunner!
- 2019-02-17 i965: Improved support for the ETC/EAC formats on Intel Gen 7 and previous GPUs
- 2018-10-08 XDC2018
- 2018-08-31 SIGGRAPH2018
- 2018-03-04 A short OpenGL / SPIRV example.
- 2017-11-08 Fosscomm 2017 [update: slides in English]
- 2017-08-24 A terrain rendering approach (part 1)
- 2017-08-03 Debugging graphics code using replacement shaders (Linux, Mesa)
- 2017-07-28 Creating cube map images from HDR panoramas on GNU/Linux
Stellarium (ESA SOCIS 2011) 🪐 [4] ↑
- 2012-07-18 FOSSCOMM 2012, 0x375: 3D effects στο Stellarium (el, gr)
- 2012-04-01 Venus in Stellarium
- 2011-10-31 New Stellarium features
- 2011-09-20 Stellarium planet rendering improvements.
Ubuntu [18] ↑
- 2017-01-11 [Updated] Enable the new (faster) Unity 7 Low Graphics mode from unity-control-center
- 2016-10-18 Unity 7 Low Graphics Mode Improvements
- 2016-10-18 Compiz window management: New options that increase performance.
- 2016-06-10 Creating a PPA for nux, compiz and unity
- 2016-04-21 The process to backport a compiz bug fix on Trusty (current LTS release: Xenial).
- 2016-02-23 Compiz Introduction and Demo Extra: HOWTO Build the Ubuntu Desktop (the script way)
- 2016-01-31 Coming soon: shadows for shaped windows.
- 2015-09-21 Some Compiz bugs will be automatically closed.
- 2015-08-18 Compiz Introduction and Demo Part 5/5: How to write a Compiz Plugin
- 2015-08-16 Compiz Introduction and Demo Part 4/5: Build the Ubuntu Desktop
- 2015-08-16 Compiz Introduction and Demo Part 3/5: Development, Tools and Support
- 2015-08-16 Compiz Introduction and Demo Part 2/5: Plugin demonstration
- 2015-08-16 Compiz Introduction and Demo Part 1/5: The Ubuntu Desktop
- 2015-04-28 Compiz and Unity 7 fixes
- 2013-10-19 Nested Ubuntu Unity with Xephyr
- 2013-07-09 Unbrick dead Google Nexus Galaxy - Install Ubuntu
- 2013-02-14 Libgliar: a library that lies to the OpenGL programs about the OpenGL context information
- 2013-01-07 How to build and test nux quickly