XDC 2020 was virtual this year due to covid-19. Despite that, there were many interesting talks and 5 of them were given by Igalians. Like in the previous years Igalia was among the sponsors (a silver sponsor).
The talks coming from Igalians were the following:
Day #1:
Overview of the open source Vulkan driver for Raspberry Pi 4 by Iago Toral:
Day #2:
About OpenGL and Vulkan interoperability by Eleni Maria Stea:
Quick GL and Vulkan tests with shader_runner and Amber by Arcady Goldmints-Orlov:
Day #3:
Improving Khronos CTS tests with Mesa code coverage by Samuel Iglesias Gonsálvez:
How the Vulkan VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state extension came to be by Ricardo Garcia:
We are glad that this year we had so many talks about so different topics!
Big thanks to the XDC organizers and see you in next XDC!