Tag: unity 7
Compiz Introduction and Demo Extra: HOWTO Build the Ubuntu Desktop (the script way)
Step 1: Create the necessary directories and scripts
Continue reading Compiz Introduction and Demo Extra: HOWTO Build the Ubuntu Desktop (the script way)
Coming soon: shadows for shaped windows.
I am about to finish a new visual effect on Unity 7 desktop so that the shaped windows (those that are not rectangular) can have shadows too.
Some Compiz bugs will be automatically closed.
Since, there were hundreds of old, invalid and expired bugs reported under the Compiz project on Launchpad, the desktop team recently decided to close a few of them and prioritize the others. Therefore we decided to close the bugs that:
Continue reading Some Compiz bugs will be automatically closed.
Compiz and Unity 7 fixes
This is one of my rare posts about work. After several weeks of fixes the basic Compiz plugins work again with Unity 7.