Hierarchical animation using trigonometric functions.

This is my first OpenGL project: Bob. (a lego-like robot). It’s made by transformed cubes and it is animated using hierarchical body animation with trigonometric functions.


and screenshots from early stages:

Early stage robot
robot parts

Bob-robots running on a wooden floor
LEGOs on the floor


Virtual Anatomy Class

Group project for a Virtual Environments MSc course: an anatomy class

The users (supposed to be students) can move around in the class and inspect a virtual skeleton. During the virtual course they can scatter, grab and move the skeleton bones around and try to combine them correctly. The program is written in XVR scripting language. For the scene and the objects 3d studio was used and the skeleton model was taken from www.turbosquid.com.

Here are some shots of the application running on pc:

The skeleton is complete.
Welcome to the class!

Continue reading Virtual Anatomy Class

Ray tracer using axis aligned bounding boxes!

The first ray tracer I wrote (in C++, using SDL to display the pixels). Screenshots:

ray tracer with shadows
Step 1:Β  Shadows
Shadows and reflections.
Step 2: Shadows and reflections.
Step 3: Shadows. reflections and a sphereflake.

Code:Β  svn://quasar.dnsalias.com/eleni/ray_tracer