About πŸ‘½


My name is Eleni Maria Stea (+my nick is hikiko), and I am a computer graphics programmer. This is my blog where I mostly post about hobby projects, open source contributions and hacks I do at work or in my free time.

My hobby projects:

In my spare time, I like to write projects for fun like these ones, to experiment with computer graphics and computer vision algorithms, or to implement spontaneous ideas I have from time to time. πŸ™‚πŸ™ƒ


What I’m doing professionally:

I’m currently working for Surgical Science a leading supplier of virtual reality simulators for medical training. I’ve joined the HelpMeSee team that is developing the renderer of an eye surgery simulator that recreates the environment of a real opthalmic surgery.

From June 2017 to August 2021 I had been working for Igalia, a consultancy company. My work revolved around graphics and systems programming: I was implementing features and extensions on various Mesa OpenGL and Vulkan drivers for Linux, as well as tests for them. Mesa is a project I really enjoyed, and nowdays I still make hobby contributions when I can. Apart from my drivers contributions, I’ve also worked on some algorithmic graphics tasks. I’ve written some demos and conducted some research related to depth aware upsampling algorithms (see also my blog posts under the Depth Aware Upsampling Experiments category). During my last months in the company, I joined the WebKit project where my tasks varied and weren’t always related to graphics. Posts related to my work for Igalia can be found under the Work Projects category of this blog and in the Igalia page of my website.


Previously, I’ve been working for Canonical, the company that runs Ubuntu, for about 5 years. I was writing code for the Ubuntu desktop on Nux (a graphics engine for desktop’s visual effects), Compiz (the compositing window manager of the desktop), Unity 7 (the official Ubuntu desktop environment), Mir (a window system) and some desktop applications (mostly configuration tools for the desktop settings). You can read my posts from that era in the Ubuntu, Unity 7 and Compiz categories of this blog or checkout the demos in my website.


Before Canonical, I’ve been working at various other jobs that can be found in my cv. Some of them are listed below:

  • Research assistant at ITI (a research institute in Greece): I implemented a head detection and tracking app using information from depth frames.
  • Software developer and systems administrator for the Software Engineering team of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (the lab was later renamed to SWITCH): I’ve been contributing to various FOSS academic projects.
  • ESA Summer of Code in Space (SoCiS 2011): I’ve added support for shaders, normal mapping and Perlin noise clouds in Stellarium, a planetarium for pc (more info in the posts of this category and in my website).
  • Java and Web development and Linux systems administration at various companies (mostly in part-time jobs before and shortly after my graduation).

My studies:

I’ve studied Computer Science (BSc from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) and Computer Graphics, Vision and Imaging (MSc from University College London). I speak English, Greek (native speaker), and French.

I am always interested in learning new things and exploring different areas of Computer Graphics.

My hobbies:

I like swimming, programming, travelling, listening to or playing music, and reading books, comics, and manuals. But mostly swimming and programming!πŸ™ƒπŸŠβ€β™€οΈ

Find me online:

πŸ•ΈοΈ Website: https://eleni.mutantstargoat.com/
πŸ“Ί YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/hikik00
🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/hikik0
πŸ’» GitHub: https://github.com/hikiko
βš™οΈ Freedesktop GitLab: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/hikiko
πŸ‘Ύ Shadertoy: https://www.shadertoy.com/user/hikiko
πŸ—ƒοΈ LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/hikiko

You can also contact me using my e-mail address ( elene.mst <at> gmail.com), or on IRC/OFTC where my nickname is hikiko.

πŸ–– Happy Hacking! πŸ––

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