; org: all instructions from now on start in 7c00h ; 7c00h is where the bios loads the 1st sector ; assembler formatting: ; column 0: labels ; tab: commands org 7c00h ; at boot: real mode (like it's 8086) ; we have to tell assembler that code is 16bit mode bits 16 ; macros %macro SETPAL 4 ; 4 = num arguments of macro (index rgb) mov dx, 3c8h ; index register mov al, %1 out dx, al inc dx mov al, %2 >> 2 out dx, al mov al, %3 >> 2 out dx, al mov al, %4 >> 2 ; shift to give the value from 0 - 255 out dx, al %endmacro start: mov sp, 7c00h ; initialize segment registers mov ax, 0 mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ss, ax ; save dl value ; bios sets in dl the num of the drive that ; loaded you so if you overwrite dl you can reuse it mov [saved_drive_num], dl ; service 0: set videomode ah ; param: which video mode (13h: 320x200, 256 colors) al ; ax: ah (high 8 bits), al (low) ; call 0 = set_videomode it expects the video mode in al ; ah : 0, al: 13, ax:ahal mov ax, 13h ; calling video bios ; software interrupt 10h ; what's the value of ah? al=video mode when ah=0 ; which set which video mode int 10h mov ax, 3 call clearscreen ; load 2nd sector from boot device and jump to it ; bios helpers, 13h = disk io mov ax, 0 mov ds, ax mov ah, 02h ; call 2: read sectors into memory mov al, 3 ; number of sectors to read mov ch, 0 ; low 8 bits of cylinder number mov cl, 2 ; sector number that starts from 1 mov dh, 0 ; head number mov dl, [saved_drive_num] ; 8bits mov bx, sector_2 int 13h ; error check: if carry flag isn't set jump to loaded code jnc sector_2 .inf_loop: jmp .inf_loop clearscreen: ; video ram is mapped in a0000 ; first 64000 bytes appear immediately on screen ; mem addresses in real mode have 2 parts: segment and offset ; bits overlap: segment is shifted by 4 and is added to the ; overlapping offset (20 bits number = x86's addressable space = 1MB) ; segment register for the segment: es, ds, cs, ss (and: fs, gs) ; default register = ds (data segment), es = extra segment ; cs = code segment cs:ip (it points where to read instructions and is ; automatically set to 7c0 (7c00h) ; offset can be paired with any register ; pair the registers push ax mov ax, 0a000h mov ds, ax mov di, 0 pop ax ; counter cx mov cx, 64000 .loop_begin: ; dereferrence[] address mov [di], al inc di dec cx ; when cx is 0, 0 flag is set jnz .loop_begin ret saved_drive_num: db 0 ; define byte 0 ; assembler trick: write as many 0 needed to fill 510 bytes ; $ <- means here times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0aa55h sector_2: ; disp palette mov ax, 0a000h ; video segment points to video memory mov ds, ax mov bx, 0 ; video offset mov cx, 0 ; y .y_loop: mov dx, 0 ; x .x_loop: mov ax, dx test ax, 0ff00h ; lower 8 bits 0, highest 1, Z flag is set while < 256, test = and but doesnt change ax jz .skip_clear_ax mov al, 0 .skip_clear_ax: mov [bx], al ; pixel written on screen inc bx ; increment inc dx cmp dx, 320 jnz .x_loop inc cx cmp cx, 200 jnz .y_loop ; setup grayscale palette (64 first colors because ramdac uses 6 bits / color so 2^6) ; ram dac (digital to analog converter) tis vga ; in a ^ register which index we want to write ; 3 writes in another ramdac register (data) ; ramdac feature: when you need to set a palette mov al, 0 ; first index mov dx, 3c8h ; ramdac index registe out dx, al ; because io port (address) > 255 inc dx ; ramdac data register: 3c9h .pal_loop: out dx, al ; r out dx, al ; g out dx, al ; b inc al test al, 3fh ; test with 3fh to keep the lowest 6 bits of al jnz .pal_loop ; setup lovebug palette SETPAL 64, 0, 255, 0 ; chr(64) = @ SETPAL 65, 0, 0, 0 ; A SETPAL 66, 50, 50, 50 ; B SETPAL 67, 57, 4, 4 ; C SETPAL 68, 108, 9, 9 ; D SETPAL 69, 164, 4, 4 ; E ; disable all interrupts (for bios to not read the keyboard) cli ; ds on 0 because rand uses it for accesses to mem xor ax, ax mov ds, ax mov ax, backbuffer shr ax, 4 ; to use it as segment! (shift right) mov es, ax main_loop: ; draw to back buffer xor bx, bx ; mov bx, 0 to clear the register .static_loop: call rand and ax, 3fh ; last six bits of eax (see rand) mov [es:bx], al ; [] -> bx offset and default segment ds we change it to es inc bx cmp bx, 64000 ; num pixels jnz .static_loop ; draw lovebug mov di, (200 - 32) * 320 + 160 - 16 mov ax, [num_frames] shr ax, 2 ; /4 cmp ax, 200 - 32 jz .end mov bx, ax shl ax, 8 shl bx, 6 add ax, bx sub di, ax call rand and ax, 3 ; random value in 0, 15 sub ax, 1 ; random value in -3, 12 add di, ax mov si, lovebug call blit32 ; wait for vblank .vsync_blank: mov dx, 3dah in al, dx and al, 8 jnz .vsync_blank .vsync_visible: in al, dx and al, 8 ; the 4th bit is 1 when we are in the vertical blanking period jz .vsync_visible ; copy backbuffer to video memory push es push ds mov ax, es mov ds, ax ; ds points to backbuffer now (was in es) xor si, si mov ax, 0a000h mov es, ax xor di, di ; write in es:di mov ecx, 16000 ; 16000 double words (dwords) = 64000 bytes rep movsd pop ds pop es inc word [num_frames] ; moved above: ; cmp word [num_frames], 200 - 32 ; jz .end in al, 64h ; 60h = keyb data port, 64h = keyb status port and al, 1 ; 1 = OUTBUF_FULL = the keyb controller out buf is full jz main_loop ; no key pressed, loop back in al, 60h ; reads the keyb that was pressed to reset the flag .end: ; re-enable all interrupts sti ; text mode mov ax, 3 ; text mode int 10h ; use bios to print ; Int 10/AH=0Eh mov si, str_frames call print_str mov ax, [num_frames] call print_num mov si, str_newline call print_str .inf_loop: jmp .inf_loop ; reads from ds:si writes to es:di (bug top left corner) ; knows how many pixels on screen and how many in the lovebug blit32: mov cx, 1024 ; 32 x 32 lovebug .loop: mov al, [ds:si] cmp al, 64 jz .skip_pixel mov [es:di], al .skip_pixel: inc si inc di dec cx ; dec the num_pixels we want to write jz .end ; all pixels have been written test cx, 1fh ; keep 5 least significant bits, 3 most significant bits 0 jnz .loop ; when this is 0 we are in a multiple of 32 add di, 320 - 32 ; screen width - bug width jmp .loop .end: ret print_str: ;Int 10/AH=0Eh mov al, [si] test al, al jz .end mov ah, 0eh xor bx, bx int 10h inc si jmp print_str .end: ret print_num: ; converts digits to ascii - print push word 0 test ax, ax jnz .conv_loop push word '0' jmp .conv_end .conv_loop: test ax, ax jz .conv_end xor dx, dx mov cx, 10 div cx ; ax contains cx / 10 add dl, '0' push dx jmp .conv_loop .conv_end: mov bp, sp mov ax, [ss:bp] test ax, ax jz .print_end mov ah, 0eh xor bx, bx int 10h add sp, 2 jmp .conv_end .print_end: add sp, 2 ret ; random number generator ; by nuclear rand: mov eax, [randval] mul dword [randmul] add eax, 12345 and eax, 0x7fffffff mov [randval], eax shr eax, 16 ret randmul dd 1103515245 randval dd 0ace1h num_frames dw 0 str_frames db 'frames: ', 0 str_newline db 13, 10, 0 ; crlf carriage return line feed newline ; db to write pixels transparent 255 ; @: transparent ; A: black ; B: gray ; C: dark red ; D: medium red ; E: red lovebug: db '@@@@BAAAB@@@@@BAAB@@@@@BAAAB@@@@' db '@@@@@@@@AAAB@BAAAAB@BAAA@@@@@@@@' db '@@@@@@@@@@@AAAAAAAAAA@@@@@@@@@@@' db '@@@@@@@@@@@@AAAAAAAA@@@@@@@@@@@@' db '@@@@@@@@@@@@AAAAAAAA@@@@@@@@@@@@' db '@@@@@@@@@@@@BAAAAAAB@@@@@@@@@@@@' db '@@@@@@@@@@@@@AAACAA@@@@@@@@@@@@@' db '@@@@@@@@@@CDDEECDEEDDC@@@@@@@@@@' db '@@@@@@@CDDEEEEEDCEEEEEDDC@@@@@@@' db '@@@@@CDEEEEDCDECDEDCDEEEEDC@@@@@' db '@@@@CDDCDEECACEDCECACEEDCDDC@@@@' db '@@@CDECACEEDCDECDEDCDEECACEDC@@@' db '@@@DEEDCDEEEEEEDCEEEEEEDCDEED@@@' db '@@CEEEEEEEEEEEDCDDEEEEEEEEEEEC@@' db '@@DEDCDEEEDCDECACCEDCDEEEDCDED@@' db '@@EECACEEECACEDCDDECACEEECACEE@@' db '@CEEDCDEEEDCDEEDCEEDCDEEEDCDEEC@' db '@DEEEEEEEEEEEEDCCDEEEEEEEEEEEED@' db 'CEEEEEEDCDEEEDCBACDEEEDCDEEEEEEC' db 'CEDCDEECACEEDCAABACDEECACEEDCDEC' db 'DECACEEDCDEDCAABAAACDEDCDEECACED' db 'DEDCDEEEEEDCAAAABAAACDEEEEEDCDED' db 'CEEEEEEEEECAAAABAAAAACEEEEEEEEEC' db 'CEEEEEEEEDAAAAAABAAAAADEEEEEEEEC' db '@DEDCDEEDCAAAAABAAAAAACDEEDCDED@' db '@DECACEDCAAAAAAABAAAAAACDECACED@' db '@DEDCDDCAAAAAAABAAAAAAAACDDCDED@' db '@CEEEECAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAACEEEEC@' db '@@EEED@AAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAA@DEEE@@' db '@@EEDC@@AAAAAAAABAAAAAAA@@CDEE@@' db '@@DEC@@@@@AAAAABAAAAAA@@@@@CED@@' db '@@@C@@@@@@@@AAAABAAA@@@@@@@@C@@@' align 16 ; if the address is not a multiple of 16 add some 0 to become one (because we'll use backbuffer as a segment) backbuffer: