out dx, al
+ jmp start ; 2 bytes
+ nop ; 1 byte
+ ; start of BPB at offset 3
+ db "BSPL 0.1" ; 03h: OEM ident, 8 bytes
+ dw 512 ; 0bh: bytes per sector
+ db 1 ; 0dh: sectors per cluster
+ dw 1 ; 0eh: reserved sectors (including boot record)
+ db 2 ; 10h: number of FATs
+ dw 224 ; 11h: number of dir entries
+ dw 2880 ; 13h: number of sectors in volume
+ db 0fh ; 15h: media descriptor type (f = 3.5" HD floppy)
+ dw 9 ; 16h: number of sectors per FAT
+ dw 18 ; 18h: number of sectors per track
+ dw 2 ; 1ah: number of heads
+ dd 0 ; 1ch: number of hidden sectors
+ dd 0 ; 20h: high bits of sector count
+ db 0 ; 24h: drive number
+ db 0 ; 25h: winnt flags
+ db 28h ; 26h: signature(?)
+ dd 0 ; 27h: volume serial number
+ db "BOOTBOOT "; 2bh: volume label, 11 bytes
+ db "FAT12 " ; 36h: filesystem id, 8 bytes
mov sp, 7c00h
add ax, bx
sub di, ax
call rand
- and ax, 3 ; random value in 0, 15
- sub ax, 1 ; random value in -3, 12
+ and ax, 3 ; random value in 0, 2
+ sub ax, 1 ; random value in -1, 1
add di, ax
mov si, lovebug
call blit32
call print_num
mov si, str_newline
call print_str
+ mov dx, 80h ; default to load from drive 80h
+ cmp byte [saved_drive_num], 80h
+ jnz .not_hd
+ inc dl ; next hd
+; load hard disk boot sector
+ xor ax, ax
+ mov es, ax
+ mov bx, 7c00h
+ mov ah, 02h
+ mov al, 1
+ mov ch, 0
+ mov cl, 1
+ mov dh, 0
+ int 13h
+ jnc 7c00h
jmp .inf_loop