mov ax, 3
call clearscreen
-; waiting for keypress
-; x86 has 2 special instructions to read/write from I/O
-; devices: in and out (because some processors have different
-; address spaces for devices and for memory, arm not)
- in al, 64h ; 60h = keyb data port, 64h = keyb status port
- and al, 1 ; 1 = OUTBUF_FULL = the keyb controller out buf is full
- jz .key_wait
- in al, 60h ; reads the keyb that was pressed to reset the flag
; load 2nd sector from boot device and jump to it
; bios helpers, 13h = disk io
mov ax, 0
test al, 3fh ; test with 3fh to keep the lowest 6 bits of al
jnz .pal_loop
+; disable all interrupts (for bios to not read the keyboard)
+ cli
+ mov ax, 0a000h
+ mov ds, ax
+ xor bx, bx ; mov bx, 0 to clear the register
+ call rand
+ and ax, 3fh ; last six bits of eax (see rand)
+ mov [bx], al
+ inc bx
+ cmp bx, 64000 ; num pixels
+ jnz .static_loop
+ in al, 64h ; 60h = keyb data port, 64h = keyb status port
+ and al, 1 ; 1 = OUTBUF_FULL = the keyb controller out buf is full
+ jz main_loop ; no key pressed, loop back
+ in al, 60h ; reads the keyb that was pressed to reset the flag
+; re-enable all interrupts
+ sti
jmp .inf_loop
+; random number generator
+; by nuclear
+ mov eax, [randval]
+ mul dword [randmul]
+ add eax, 12345
+ and eax, 0x7fffffff
+ mov [randval], eax
+ shr eax, 16
+ ret
+randmul dd 1103515245
+randval dd 0ace1h