; draw lovebug
mov di, (200 - 32) * 320 + 160 - 16
mov ax, [num_frames]
+ shr ax, 2 ; /4
+ cmp ax, 200 - 32
+ jz .end
mov bx, ax
shl ax, 8
shl bx, 6
call blit32
; wait for vblank
mov dx, 3dah
in al, dx
+ and al, 8
+ jnz .vsync_blank
+ in al, dx
and al, 8 ; the 4th bit is 1 when we are in the vertical blanking period
- jnz .vsync
+ jz .vsync_visible
; copy backbuffer to video memory
push es
pop es
inc word [num_frames]
- cmp word [num_frames], 200 - 32
- jz .end
+; moved above:
+; cmp word [num_frames], 200 - 32
+; jz .end
in al, 64h ; 60h = keyb data port, 64h = keyb status port
and al, 1 ; 1 = OUTBUF_FULL = the keyb controller out buf is full