- db 0 ; declare byte 0
+ db 0 ; define byte 0
; assembler trick: write as many 0 needed to fill 510 bytes
; $ <- means here
dw 0aa55h
- mov ax, 5
- call clearscreen
+; disp palette
+ mov ax, 0a000h ; video segment points to video memory
+ mov ds, ax
+ mov bx, 0 ; video offset
+ mov cx, 0 ; y
+ mov dx, 0 ; x
+ mov ax, dx
+ test ax, 0ff00h ; lower 8 bits 0, highest 1, Z flag is set while < 256, test = and but doesnt change ax
+ jz .skip_clear_ax
+ mov al, 0
+ mov [bx], al ; pixel written on screen
+ inc bx ; increment
+ inc dx
+ cmp dx, 320
+ jnz .x_loop
+ inc cx
+ cmp cx, 200
+ jnz .y_loop
+; fix palette (256 colors)
jmp .inf_loop